Monday 27 November 2017


From the very beginning of my Environmental Science degree I realised how unapproachable science is to the general public; from the technical and, frankly, boring language to the costly fees to gain access to scientific papers in the first place. I knew I was entering a novel world.

In a piece of writing during the first year I expressed my opinion that the relationship between science and art is a symbiotic one. The fact that science was so seemingly unapproachable had me asking many questions; is it intentional from the scientific community? How are science and art not viewed as two sides of the same coin? For they are both, fundamentally, about exploring ideas and are a teacher unto, not only themselves, but also each other. I see in my surroundings the way art inspires action; evoking emotion and passion in people that change the way they view the world. With science providing the fact and art creating deep rooted emotional investment, it baffled me that there was not a closer relationship between the two.

A recent module in my degree, focused on science communication, involved Environmental Science students collaborating with Graphic design students. My ideas were coming to fruition. We developed a project communicating the science behind two of the United Nations sustainable Development Goals; Life on Land and Sustainable Cities/Communities. Our group decided to focus on vertical forests; a concept that I found very interesting. Emphasis was on a vertical forests ability to improve air quality in urban areas through reducing air pollution, but also the physiological and mental benefit to the surrounding inhabitants. Whilst researching for this project I was amazed at the number of studies that showed the positive effect of urban green spaces upon health and mental well-being; this along with an incredible ability, through photosynthesis, to clean the surrounding urban air, my curiosity was piqued.

I believe as a concept, vertical forests will become more and more prominent in the urban environment as we become more educated about how the way we live can negatively impact the very thing we rely on to survive: the environment! In working with the graphic design students, I had the opportunity to live out the ideas I was exploring last year and from my perspective it is a step in the right direction; transcribing science knowledge through art, elevating it in the population’s consciousness and inspiring change - VIVE LA RÉVOLUTION!

- Ben