Thursday 11 January 2018


Barley harvest. By U.S. Department of Agriculture [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.

Agriculture has long been regarded as a stepping stone in human history; elevating hunter-gather societies from a violent and precarious existence propelling humans into a post-cave dwelling reality promising improved health and longevity coupled with decreased workloads. After deeper examination by biological anthropologists, however, this rosy perception has been put into question. One of the more conspicuous effects was reduced dental health resulting from an exponential reliance on a carbohydrate based diet along with a decline in nutritional quality as diet became less varied; affecting growth and development[2]. Negative effects of agriculture are not felt by humans alone.

As technology advanced agriculture inevitably became more and more sophisticated. In the present day, influences of a wide range impact the way humans cultivate land; from a continually increasing population to a calcified capitalist attitude in society. Such pressures translate into a yearning for greater yield in crop at the lowest possible cost. Consequently, technologies such as fertilisers are now widely used.

Fertilising operations. Graham Horn [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons.

Employing fertilisers in agriculture introduces such chemicals as ammonium and nitrate to soil and water[4]. The nitrogen that is added to the soil may exceed levels that can be absorbed by plants[1] and this can be a significant issue regarding marine pollution, as we will now explore.

Surplus nitrogen in soil and water from the excessive use of fertilisers migrates into watercourses through agricultural run-off; when considering marine pollution this is specifically an issue in coastal farmland as the excess nitrogen is transported into the marine environment. Eutrophication is a type of pollution that is characterised by an explosive growth of algae, also known as algal blooms, as a result of increased concentrations of growth-promoting nutrients[3]. When the algae die and are eaten by bacteria the oxygen levels of the water can become hypoxic (low oxygen) or anoxic (completely depleted of oxygen), having potential catastrophic effects on animals inhabiting the aquatic environment; hypoxia induces stress and anoxic conditions can be fatal[3].

Marine eutrophication occurs in much the same way and is as an ecosystem response to the increased availability of nutrients, such as nitrogen, that are essential for plant growth[1]. Marine waters enriched with nitrogen can promote an explosion in algae and planktonic growth leading to hypoxic or anoxic conditions posing threats to the surrounding marine life. Marine eutrophication has been observed in the Baltic Sea; significantly increased nutrient concentrations measured in the 1990s compared to the 1950s (before large scale nutrient input began) resulted in increased occurrence of fast-growing algae forming algal mats that decomposed in the lower levels inducing anoxic conditions[5].

Phytoplankton bloom off western Iceland. By NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (Flickr: Phytoplankton bloom off western Iceland) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Ever improving technology arouses questions surrounding a seemingly old-fashioned way to cultivate the land (machines have merely replaced man whilst methods remain relatively unchanged): is it necessary? Is a change needed in societal attitude? Is there less harmful alternatives?

The future of humanity is uncertain; food security is becoming an increasing worry with threatening conditions that could affect our ability to maintain the status quo of food production. As we re-think global food production, issues surrounding the use of technologies such as fertilisers should not be overlooked. Marine eutrophication, seemingly specific, has far reaching implications as the oceans are such a vital aspect of our past, present and future. An all-encompassing view of our food production wouldn’t go a miss!

- Ben 


[1] Cosme, N. and Niero, M., 2017. Modelling the influence of changing climate in present and future marine eutrophication impacts from spring barley production. Journal of Cleaner Production 140, 537-546

[2] Larsen, C. S., 1995. Biological Changes in Human Populations with Agriculture. Annual Review of Anthropology 24, 185-213

[3] National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2017. Nutrient Pollution – Eutrophication. Available at: (Accessed: 8 December 2017)

[4] Socolow, R H., 1999. Nitrogen management and the future of food: Lessons from the management of energy and carbon. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 96, doi: 10.1073/pnas.96.11.6001

[5] UK Marine Special Areas of Conservation, undated. Eutrophication. Available at: (Accessed: 8 December 2017)